This appendix summarizes the statements, functions, and operators used in the Visual Basic Scripting Edition.
Category/Keyword | Type | Usage |
Atn | Function | Returns the arctangent of a number
Atn(number) |
Cos | Function | Returns the cosine of an angle Cos(number) |
Exp | Function | Returns a number raised to a power Exp(number) |
Log | Function | Returns the logarithm of a number Log(number) |
Randomize | Statement | Primes the internal random number generator Randomize (See Chapter 11, "Real-Life Examples I") |
Rnd | Function | Returns a random number Rnd (See Chapter 11) |
Sin | Function | Returns the sine of an angle Sin(number) |
Sqr | Function | Returns the square root of a number Sqr(number) |
Tan | Function | Returns the tangent of an angle Tan(number) |
Dim | Statement | Declares an array Dim arrayname([subscripts]) (See Chapter 4 "Using the VBScript Language") |
Erase | Statement | Clears the contents of an array Erase arrayname |
IsArray | Function | Returns True if var is an array, and False if not
IsArray(var) |
Lbound | Function | In VBScript, always returns 0
Lbound(arrayname) |
Preserve | Statement | Copies the contents of a dynamic array to a resized dynamic array Redim Preserve arrayname(subscripts) |
ReDim | Statement | Declares a dynamic array or redimensions a dynamic array (see Preserve)
ReDim arrayname() or ReDim arrayname([subscripts]) |
UBound | Statement | Returns the largest subscript of an array
Ubound(arrayname) |
= | Operator | Assigns a value to a variable or property variable = value
(See Chapter 4) |
Set | Statement | Assigns an object reference to a variable Set variable = object |
Rem | Statement | Declares the following line as a comment to be ignored by the language engine Rem comment_text |
Empty | Literal | Declares a special uninitialized variable value variable = Empty (See Chapter 4) |
False | Constant | A Boolean value representing 0 variable = False
(See Chapter 4) |
Nothing | Literal | Used to disassociate an object reference from a variable; used in conjunction with Set Set variable = Nothing (See Chapter 4) |
Null | Literal | Represents no valid data variable = Null (See Chapter 4) |
True | Constant | Boolean value representing -1 variable = True (See Chapter 4) |
Abs | Function | Returns the unsigned (absolute) value of a number Abs(number) |
Asc | Function | Returns the ANSI/ASCII code of a character Asc(string) (See Chapter 3 "Communicating with Your Users") |
CBool | Function | Returns a Boolean subtype Variant value from any valid expression CBool(expression) |
CByte | Function | Returns a Byte subtype Variant value from any valid expression Cbyte(expression) |
CDate | Function | Returns a Date subtype Variant value from any valid date expression
CDate(expression) |
CDbl | Function | Returns a Double Precision subtype Variant value from any valid numeric expression
CDbl(expression) |
Chr | Function | Returns the character corresponding to the ANSI or ASCII code Chr(number) |
CInt | Function | Returns an Integer subtype Variant value from any valid numeric expression
CInt(expression) |
CLng | Function | Returns a Long Integer subtype Variant value from any valid numeric expression
CLng(expression) |
CSng | Function | Returns a Single Precision subtype Variant value from any valid numeric expression
CSng(expression) |
CStr | Function | Returns a String subtype Variant value from any valid expression
CStr(expression) |
DateSerial | Function | Returns a Date subtype Variant from valid year, month, and day values
DateSerial(year,month,day) |
DateValue | Function | Returns a Date subtype Variant value from any valid date expression
DateValue(expression) |
Hex | Function | Returns a String subtype Variant representing the hexadecimal value of a number
Hex(number) |
Int | Function | Returns an Integer subtype Variant rounded down from the number supplied
Int(number) |
Fix | Function | Returns an Integer subtype Variant rounded up from the number supplied
Fix(number) |
Oct | Function | Returns a String subtype Variant representing the octal value of a number
Hex(number) |
Sgn | Function | Returns an Integer subtype Variant representing the sign of a number
Sgn(number) values > 0 return 1 values = 0 return 0 values < 0 return -1 |
TimeSerial | Function | Returns a Date subtype Variant from valid hour, minute, and second values TimeSerial(hour,minute,second) |
TimeValue | Function | Returns a Date subtype Variant value from any valid time expression
TimeValue(expression) |
Date | Function | Returns the current system date
Date() |
DateSerial | Function | Returns a Date subtype Variant from valid year, month, and day values. DateSerial(year,month,day) |
DateValue | Function | Returns a Date subtype Variant value from any valid date expression.
DateValue(expression) |
Day | Function | Returns an Integer subtype Variant representing the day (1-31) from a valid date expression
Day(dateexpression) |
Hour | Function | Returns an Integer subtype Variant representing the hour (0-23) from a valid time expression
Hour(timeexpression) |
Minute | Function | Returns an Integer subtype Variant representing the minute (0-60) from a valid time expression
Minute(timeexpression) |
Month | Function | Returns an Integer subtype Variant representing the month (1-12) from a valid date expression
Month(dateexpression) |
Now | Function | Returns the current date and time of the system Now() |
Second | Function | Returns an Integer subtype Variant representing the second (0-60) from a valid time expression Second(timeexpression) |
Time | Function | Returns the current system time Time() |
TimeSerial | Function | Returns a Date subtype Variant from valid hour, minute and second values
TimeSerial(hour,minute,second) |
TimeValue | Function | Returns a Date subtype Variant value from any valid time expression
TimeValue(expression) |
Weekday | Function | Returns an Integer subtype Variant between 1 and 7 representing the day of the week, starting at Sunday, from a date expression
Weekday(dateexpression) |
Year | Function | Returns an Integer subtype Variant representing the year from a valid date expression
Year(dateexpression) |
Dim | Statement | Declares a variable
Dim variable |
End | Statement | Declares the end of a Sub procedure or function
End Sub End Function |
Exit | Statement | Use with Do, For, Function, or Sub to prematurely exit the routine
Exit Do/For/Function/Sub |
Function | Statement | Declares a function and the argument list passed into the function, and declares the end of a function; also used with Exit to prematurely end a function Function functionname(argumentlist) Exit Function End Function Public variable |
Sub | Statement | Declares a custom procedure or event handler and the argument list, if any, and declares the end of a custom procedure or event handler; also used with Exit to prematurely end a custom procedure or event handler Sub subroutinename([argumentlist]) Exit Sub End Sub |
Clear | Method | A method of the Err object to reset the Err.Number property to 0
Err.Clear |
Description | Property | A property of the Err object that contains a description of the last error as specified in the Err.Number property
Err.Description |
Err | Object | An object containing information about the last error|method |
On Error | Statement | Used in conjunction with Resume Next to continue execution with the line directly following the line in which the error occurred On Error Resume Next |
Raise | Method | A method of the Err object used to simulate the occurrence of an error specified by number Err.Raise(errornumber) |
Number | Property | A property of the Err object that contains the error code for the last error, or 0 if no error has occurred Err.Number |
Source | Property | Returns the name of the object or application that raised the error Err.Source |
InputBox | Function | Displays a dialog box to allow user input InputBox(caption[,title][,value][,x][,y]) |
MsgBox | Function | Displays a dialog box
MsgBox(prompt[, definition][, title]) |
+ | Operator | Addition of two numerical expressions result = expr1 + expr2 |
And | Operator | Logical conjunction operator If expression AND expression Then |
/ | Operator | Division operator result = expression / expression |
= | Operator | Equality operator If expression = expression Then |
Eqv | Operator | Logical equivalence operator If expression Eqv expression Then |
^ | Operator | Exponentiation operator result = expression ^ expression |
> | Operator | Greater than comparison If expression > expression Then |
>= | Operator | Greater than or equal to comparison If expression >= expression Then |
Imp | Operator | Logical implication If expression Imp expression Then |
<> | Operator | Inequality comparison If expression <> expression Then |
\ | Operator | Integer division operator result = expression \ expression |
< | Operator | Less than comparison If expression < expression Then |
<= | Operator | Less than or equal to comparison If expression <= expression Then |
Mod | Operator | Modulus arithmetic; returns only the remainder of a division of two numbers result = expression mod expression |
* | Operator | Multiplication result = expression * expression |
- | Operator | Subtraction result = expression - expression |
Or | Operator | Logical disjunction If expression Or expression Then |
& | Operator | Concatenation of two string values result = string & string |
Xor | Operator | Logical exclusion If expression Xor expression Then |
Option | Statement | Forces a compile-time error if an
Explicit undeclared variable is found Option Explicit |
Call | Statement | Passes execution to a subroutine or event handler; also can be used to replicate the actions of the user Call myroutine() Call cmdbutton_OnClick() |
Do...Loop | Statement | Repeats code while a condition is met or until a condition is met Do While condition ... Loop or Do Until condition ... Loop
or |
For...Next | Statement | Repeats a block of code until the counter reaches a given number For counter = lower to upper [step] ... Next |
If...Then...Else | Statement | Conditional execution of code If condition Then ... (if condition met Else) ... (if condition not met) End If |
Select Case | Statement | Selective execution of code, where |
testexpression must match expression Select Case testexpression Case expression ... Case expression ... Case Else End Select | ||
While...Wend | Statement | Execution of a code block while a condition is met While expression ... Wend |
InStr | Function | Returns the starting point of one string within another string, or 0 if not found result = InStr(start,searched,sought) |
Lcase | Function | Converts a string to lowercase result = LCase(string) |
Left | Function | Returns the n leftmost characters of a string
result = LCase(string) |
Len | Function | Returns the length of a string result = Len(string) |
Ltrim | Function | Removes all leading spaces result = LTrim(string) |
Mid | Function | Returns a string of length L, starting at S within
string result = Mid(string, S, L) |
Right | Function | Returns the rightmost n characters
result = Right(string, n) |
RTrim | Function | Removes all trailing spaces from a string result = RTrim(string) |
Space | Function | Returns a string consisting of n spaces result = Space(n) |
StrComp | Function | Returns an Integer subtype Variant representing the result of a comparison of two strings
result = StrComp(string1, string2) string1 < string2 returns -1 string1 < string2 returns 0 string1 < string2 returns 1 |
String | Function | Returns a string consisting of character C, of length L
result = String(L, C) |
Trim | Function | Removes both leading and trailing spaces result = Trim(string) |
UCase | Function | Returns a string as uppercase alphabetical characters result = UCase(string) |
IsArray | Function | Returns True (-1) if expression is an array, and False (0) if not result = IsArray(expression) |
IsDate | Function | Returns True (-1) if expression is a valid date and False (0) if not
result = IsDate(expression) |
IsEmpty | Function | Returns True (-1) if expression equates to an Empty subtype and False (0) if not
result = IsEmpty(expression) |
IsNull | Function | Returns True (-1) if expression equates to a Null subtype and False (0) if not
result = IsNull(expression) |
IsNumeric | Function | Returns True (-1) if expression is a valid numeric expression and False (0) if not
result = IsNumeric(expression) |
VarType | Function | Returns an integer representing the sub data type of a Variant
result = VarType(expression) |